A small, family oriented farm, located at 334 Hiltons Lane, Wells Maine.
We are closed for tours for the rest of the year. Thank you all for your continued support, our farm stand will remain OPEN.
We are closed for tours for the rest of the year. Thank you all for your continued support, our farm stand will remain OPEN.
Join us on our journey to build our dream farm.
As of 10/1/2024 we are CLOSED for farm visits & events but our farm stand is currently OPEN.
We also offer seasonal pork & lamb shares.
Call us for more info today.
Born and raised in Providence RI, Eli was brought up in a family with dogs and a bird. After culinary school and 8 years of experience he decided it was time for new adventures. Eli quickly grew to love/acquire farm animals. The chickens are his “favorite”, but still shares a connection with every animal on the farm.
Anna being raised all over the east coast, she always had an assortment of “small” animals in her household. Mice, rabbits, dogs, parakeets, fish & even a rat, Anna always had a longing for something... Bigger perhaps? After attending The Farm School in 2005 she knew working in agriculture was a goal for her.
"What made you want to be farmers?"
Eli: "My love for animals was what inspired me."
Anna: "I attended the Farm School for the first time with my school in the 5th grade, I knew then and there it was the life for me."
Link to the Farm School website below;
"Which animal is your favorite and why?"
Eli: "Polly the Romney/Finn sheep is currently at the front line of personalities I enjoy spending time with. She’s definitely one of the sweetest characters on the farm.”
Anna: "I hate picking favorites and everyone always asks me this question… My favorite is probably a Dorset sheep named ‘Scarlet’, she’s absolutely fantastic and I couldn’t ask for a better ewe to greet me each morning at the barn."
"If you could have any animal, what would it be?"
Eli: "Buffalo, because who doesn't want a buffalo..."
Anna: "This answer is forever changing, if they were happy living in captivity, who wouldn’t want a tiger. But let’s get real, they shouldn’t be pets.”
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